Editorial Structure
Acceptance of papers for International Journal of Wildland Fire is controlled by the Editors-in-Chief working with the Editorial Advisory Committee and with an international panel of Associate Editors.
Our journal editors are expected to work within the framework of the Core Practices, and according to the CSIRO Publishing Editorial Board Conduct Policy.
- Stefan Doerr
Professor and Director of Centre for Wildfire Research, Swansea University, UK
Keywords: fire impacts, global fire trends, fire impact mitigation, fire behaviour, perceptions of fire - Martin P. Girardin
Research Scientist, Canadian Forest Service, Natural Resources Canada
Keywords: forest ecology, fire history, forest productivity, ecosystem modelling, dendrochronology
- Cristina Santín
Swansea University, UK
The panel of Associate Editors is international in scope and will be strengthened by addition of new members from time to time. The panel is responsible for oversight of manuscripts in specific subject areas within the broad fields related to wildland fire. Members of the Editorial Advisory Committee also handle peer-review of papers in their fields of interest.
- Jen Beverly
Associate Professor, Wildland Fire, University of Alberta, Canada
Keywords: fire management, fire behaviour, fire exposure, fire risk assessment, fuel management - Ertugrul Bilgili
Karadeniz Technical University, Turkey
Keywords: fire behavior, fire ecology, fire management - Timothy Brown
Research Professor, Desert Research Institute, USA
Keywords: climate, weather, atmospheric-fire modelling - Bret Butler
Rocky Mountain Research Station, USA - David Calkin
Research Forester, USDA Forest Service, USA
Keywords: risk-assessment, decision making, suppression effectiveness - Hamish Clarke
Senior Research Fellow, Univeristy of Melbourne, Australia
Keywords: climate change, fire management, risk modelling - Craig B. Clements
Professor of Meteorology, San José State University, USA
Keywords: fire weather, plume dynamics, complex terrain, field experiments, fire behaviour - Pierre Drapeau
Université du Québec, Canada
Keywords: wildlife response to fire, avian ecology, landscape ecology, wildfire in forest ecosystems - Catrin Edgeley
Assistant Professor, Northern Arizona University
Keywords: wildfire social science, community adaptation, policy - Paulo M. Fernandes
Associate Professor, Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro, Portugal
Keywords: fire behaviour modelling, fire danger rating, fire ecology, fire management, prescribed burning - Mike Flannigan
Thompson Rivers University, Canada
Keywords: fire weather, climate change, fire management, fire behaviour, fire ecology - Nancy H. F. French
Michigan Tech Research Institute, USA
Keywords: terrestrial ecology, remote sensing, fuel characterisation, carbon cycle science, fire emissions - Peter Z. Fulé
Regents Professor, School of Forestry, Northern Arizona University, USA
Keywords: forest ecology, climate, dendrochronology, fire management, Indigenous - Scott Goodrick
Research Meteorologist, US Forest Service, Southern Research Station, USA
Keywords: weather, climate, fire behaviour, smoke - Hayley Hesseln
Department Head, Agricultural and Resource Economics, College of Agriculture and Bioresources, University of Saskatchewan, Canada
Keywords: economics, value, non-market value - Xinyan Huang
Associate Professor, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong
Keywords: wildfire dynamics, smouldering fire, peat fire, fire forecast, artificial intelligence - Andrew Hudak
US Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, USA
Keywords: biomass, consumption, FRE, fuel, lidar - W. Matt Jolly
Research Ecologist, US Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Missoula Fire Sciences Laboratory, USA
Keywords: fire danger, fire behaviour, live fuel dynamics, decision support systems - Robert E. Keane
Research Ecologist, US Forest Service, USA
Keywords: fire ecology, wildland fuels, ecological restoration, landscape ecology, ecological modelling - Jeremy Littell
Research Ecologist – Climate Impacts, United States Geological Survey, Alaska Climate Adaptation Science Center, USA
Keywords: climate change, adaptation, fire history, boreal ecosystems, ecohydrology - Naian Liu
Director, State Key Laboratory of Fire Science, China
Keywords: wildland fire, fire spread, extreme fire behaviors, fire behavior, fire whirl - David Martell
Professor Emeritus, Institute of Forestry and Conservation, University of Toronto, Canada
Keywords: fire management systems, analytics - Sarah McCaffrey
Retired, US Forest Service, USA
Keywords: community, communication, decision making, social acceptability, risk perception - Jessica L. McCarty
Deputy Division Chief, Earth Science Division, NASA Ames Research Center, USA
Keywords: wildfire, prescribed fire, remote sensing, open agricultural burning, emissions - William Lachlan McCaw
Consultant – Forest and Fire Science, Australia
Keywords: fire behaviour, eucalypt, shrubland, silviculture - Dominique Morvan
Aix-Marseille Université, France - Fernando Ojeda
Full Professor of Botany, Universidad de Cadiz, Spain
Keywords: biodiversity, carnivorous plants, fire ecology, Mediterranean heathland, Strait of Gibraltar - Elsa Pastor
Full Professor, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Spain
Keywords: wildland–urban interface, risk analysis, vulnerability analysis, WUI fire behaviour modelling - Matthew (Matt) Plucinski
Senior Research Scientist, Bushfire Behaviour and Suppression, CSIRO, Australia
Keywords: suppression, firefighting - Brian E. Potter
Research Meteorologist, US Forest Service, USA
Keywords: extreme fire weather, atmospheric dynamics, prescribed fire - Owen Francis Price
Associate Professor, University of Wollongong, Australia
Keywords: fire ecology, fuel treatment effectiveness, property loss, suppression effectiveness - Charles (Chuck) C. Rhoades
Research Biogeochemist, US Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, USA
Keywords: biogeochemistry, watersheds, soils, water quality, ecosystem disturbance - Richard Shakesby
Honorary Reader, Swansea University, UK
Keywords: geomorphology, post-fire effects on soil characteristics and soil erosion, soil water repellency - Gary Sheridan
University of Melbourne, Australia - Albert Simeoni
Professor, Worcester Polytechnic Institute, USA
Keywords: fire behavior, wildland urban interface, fire safety, firebrands, flammability - Alistair Smith
Professor, University of Idaho, USA
Keywords: severity, intensity, fuels, forests, lidar - Andrew Lawrence Sullivan
Principal Research Scientist and Research Team Leader, CSIRO Environment, Australia
Keywords: combustion chemistry, heat transfer physics, fire spread and behaviour, field and laboratory experimentation, data analysis and modelling - Thomas W. Swetnam
Regents Professor Emeritus, Laboratory of Tree-Ring Research, University of Arizona, USA
Keywords: fire ecology, dendrochronology, climate - Alexandra Dunya Syphard
San Diego State University, USA
Keywords: house loss, global change, vegetation type conversion, pyrogeography, fire regime - Xiaorui Tian
Ecology and Nature Conservation Institute, Chinese Academy of Forestry, China
Keywords: wildfire risk, fire danger, fire behaviour, climate change, fuel management - Eric Toman
Professor and Department Head of Forest and Rangeland Stewardship, Warner College of Natural Resources, Colorado State University, USA
Keywords: wildfire risk perceptions, social acceptance, behaviour and decision-making, governance, science–policy interface - J. Morgan Varner
Director of Research and Senior Scientist, Tall Timbers Research Station, USA
Keywords: fire ecology, post-fire tree mortality, fire-adapted traits, prescribed fire, flammability - Kara M. Yedinak
Fire Scientist, US Forest Service, Northern Research Station, USA
Keywords: wildland fire behaviour, fire acoustics, fire–atmosphere interactions, prescribed fire science, wildland fire dose-response
- Sarah Harris (Chair), Country Fire Authority (CFA), Burwood East, Australia
- Bret Butler, Rocky Mountain Research Station, USA
- Geoff Cary, Australian National University, Canberra, ACT, Australia
- Paulo Fernandes, Vila Real, Portugal
- Mike Flannigan, Thompson Rivers University, British Columbia, Canada
- Nancy French, Michigan Tech, Ann Arbor, MI, USA
- Michael J. Gollner, University of Maryland, College Park, USA
- Sara McAllister, US Forest Service, Missoula Fire Sciences Laboratory, USA
- Guillermo Rein, Imperial College London, London, UK
- Albert Simeoni, Exponent Inc, Natick, USA
- Richard Thornton, ex Bushfire & Natural Hazards CRC, Melbourne, VIC, Australia
- Mike Flannigan (2002-2008)
International Journal of Wildland Fire is published by CSIRO Publishing on behalf of the International Association of Wildland Fire.