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Historical Records of Australian Science Historical Records of Australian Science Society
The history of science, pure and applied, in Australia, New Zealand and the southwest Pacific

Historical Records of Australian Science

Historical Records of Australian Science

Historical Records of Australian Science records the history of science, pure and applied, in Australia, New Zealand and the southwest Pacific. Read more about the journalMore

Editors: Ruth Morgan and Ian Rae

Publishing Model: Hybrid. Open Access options available.

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These articles are the latest published in the journal. Historical Records of Australian Science is published under a continuous publication model. More information is available on our Continuous Publication page.

Published online 29 January 2025


Compiled by Martin Bush 0000-0001-9018-4373
Published online 09 December 2024

HR24028Robert Woodhouse Crompton 1926–2022

Erich Weigold, Zoran Lj. Petrovic and Stephen J. Buckman 0000-0001-7798-4827

Photograph of Robert (Bob) Crompton.

Robert (Bob) Crompton, a towering figure in low energy electron and ion physics in Australia, passed away in June 2022. He was known internationally for his seminal publications on swarm physics, atomic and molecular physics and gaseous electronics, and for his widely-read monograph with Sir Leonard Huxley on the subject of charged-particle transport. He was the recipient of many personal and professional accolades and awards for his contributions to science, science policy and the general community. Although born and educated in Adelaide, Crompton spent the majority of his long career at the Australian National University in Canberra in the Research School of Physics and Engineering

Published online 05 December 2024

HR24023Robert Kirk: blood, genetics, race and rights in the twentieth century

Michelle Bootcov 0000-0001-7932-737X

Photograph of Robert Kirk leaning on a pickup truck at Pineapple Bore, Halls Creek, Northern Territory.

Warning: This article discusses blood collecting in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. It also contains the image of an unnamed Aboriginal man who may be deceased.

It is not without justification that the collecting of blood for genetic analysis is frequently associated with race science, but it is not solely or inevitably so. This history of Robert Kirk, a British–Australian population geneticist, provides nuance to twentieth century blood science. Once problematic, Kirk’s legacy collection now returned to Indigenous control provides a promising future. Photograph: 01P-02-27, NCIG Archive, ANU, Canberra © Kirk family.

Published online 18 November 2024

HR24022Gender diversity in Australian astronomy: the Astronomical Society of Australia 1966–2023

Toner Stevenson 0000-0002-6219-802X and Nick Lomb 0009-0001-4518-7599

Photograph of participants at the 2011 Women in Astronomy workshop held in Sydney.

In 1966 the ‘marriage bar’ was removed for women working in the Commonwealth public service in Australia. During that year the Astronomical Society of Australia (ASA) was founded. We consider the changes in the diversity of astronomers working in Australia, including male/female ratios, since the formation of the ASA, and the development of gender equity strategies in astronomy. As well, we examine the experiences of Australian women astronomers and those of people from marginalised groups in astronomy. Photograph reproduced with permission from the IDEA ASA website.

Photograph of the author Alexandra Ludewig.

Dr Ferdinand von Sommer (~1800–49) served as Western Australia’s first government geologist and had ‘Mount Sommer’, north of Perth, named after him. Ferdinand also left behind three exceptional maps of his surveying and prospecting activities (1847–8) as well as reports to the government that can be considered impressive for their time and context, even by today’s standards. His scientific endeavours are worth re-discovering. Photograph of the author is by Matt Jelonek.

Photograph of Roger Tory Peterson with a Rainbow Lorikeet perched on his head.

Beyond helping us to identify birds, field guides sharpen our environmental awareness, deepen our connectedness to nature and foster a commitment to conservation. These facets of the field guide inspired the efforts of the leading American innovator of the genre, Roger Tory Peterson, as well as the Australian field guide authors who came under his influence in the 1950s and after. This article explains how Peterson helped shape Australian birding guides, and hence the relationship between birds and people in this country. It also recounts Peterson’s birdwatching adventures on his visits Down Under. Photograph courtesy of the Roger Tory Peterson Institute.

Published online 24 October 2024

HR24020Spreading across the continent: the Astronomical Society of Australia 1966–2023

Nick Lomb 0009-0001-4518-7599 and Toner Stevenson

Photograph of a small crowd at the opening of the Australia Telescope in 1988.

Australian astronomical research has changed drastically since the formation of the Astronomical Society of Australia in 1966. Here, we look at the changes in the context of the membership of the society and explore how the advent of new research facilities has led to changes in the number and geographical location of Australian astronomers. In particular, locating new radio telescopes in Western Australia has resulted in a more even spread of astronomers across the country. Photograph by Nick Lomb.

Photograph of a California quail perched on a rock.

Acclimatisation—that is, the introduction of plants and animals to Australia from other parts of the world—is often seen as a nineteenth-century phenomenon. Focusing on wild bird species, this article argues, on the contrary, that acclimatisation continued well into the twentieth century. This article provides a cultural and political explanation for Australians’ belated turn against so-called ‘invasive species’ in the 1930s, ascribing this shift in attitudes to settler nationalism and xenophobia. Photograph by Alan Schmierer, via Wikimedia Commons.

Photograph of Dr MacFarlane Burnet behind a microscope.

When myxoma virus was first released in Australia it quickly attenuated into less virulent variants while rabbits became increasingly resistant to myxomatosis. Rather than rabbits outstripping virus virulence, however, myxoma viruses have since been selected for renewed virulence which optimises their transmissibility. As well as benefitting the biological control of pest rabbits, this previously unrevealed chapter emphasises problems scientists had in reaching a consensus on how myxoma viruses and their host coevolved. Photograph courtesy of the Walter and Elisa Hall Institute of Medical Research.

Published online 04 October 2024

HR24012Protecting Australia’s plant health: plant quarantine in an evolving biosecurity system

Mark Whattam, Stacey Azzopardi 0009-0002-9397-2417, David Nehl, Aaron Maxwell and Kevin Davis

Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry scientists Dr David Nehl (L) and Stacey Azzopardi (R) with the new MALDI instrument.

Global movement of plants and plant products brings risk of pests including weeds, invertebrates, and plant pathogens. Australia’s adaptive biosecurity system continues to mitigate these risks, using plant quarantine and modern diagnostics to isolate, detect and diagnose exotic pathogens. Photograph by Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry.

This article belongs to the collection: Plant Pathology in Australasia.

A black-and-white photograph of Peter Pringsheim as an internee in Australia.

Peter Pringsheim, professor of physics at the University of Berlin, has a unique connection with Australia. His attendance at the 1914 conference of the British Association for the Advancement of Science, held in Melbourne, coincided with the outbreak of World War 1, and he was interned as an enemy alien until July 1919. But with the support of key local scientists, Pringsheim used his internment to write a treatise on fluorescence and phosphorescence which established him as a world authority on this branch of atomic physics. Photograph: SP 421/4 4730 Peter Pringsheim, National Archives of Australia.

Published online 16 September 2024

HR24005Angus McEwan 1937–2018

Trevor J. McDougall 0000-0003-4582-7741, John A. Church and John Zillman

A black-and-white photograph of Dr Angus McEwan and his ‘rotating table’ at the CSIRO Aspendale laboratory.

Dr Angus McEwan FAA FTSE who died on 5 September 2018, aged 81, was a renowned Australian fluid dynamicist, specialising in designing and conducting experimental studies in geophysical fluid dynamics, and providing outstanding leadership of national and international research programs in oceanography and meteorology. Image credit: Angus D. McEwan, personal communication.

Published online 16 September 2024

HR23032David Albert Cooper 1949–2018

Anthony D. Kelleher 0000-0002-0009-3337, Suzanne Crowe and Anthony Cunningham

A portrait photograph of David Albert Cooper

David Albert Cooper AC (1949–2018) was an internationally renowned immunologist and HIV clinician who spearheaded Australia’s world-leading HIV response. In this article, his colleagues reflect on his contributions to HIV and infectious disease research, health policy, and the research institute he led for thirty-two years, the Kirby Institute.

Published online 23 August 2024

HR24016Dr W.R. (Bill) Blevin 1929–2022

B. D. Inglis 0009-0002-3650-1694

A portrait photograph of Dr William (Bill) Roderick Blevin.

Dr William (Bill) Roderick Blevin was an outstanding physicist and a renowned metrologist who brought great credit to metrology in Australia, particularly in the field of photometric and radiometric measurement. His research associated with an independent determination of the Stefan–Boltzmann constant led to a redefinition of the international unit for light intensity. His expertise and standing are recognised by the prominent role he played on international committees associated with the Metre Treaty and his leadership nationally. Photograph: Courtesy of Australian Academy of Science.

Published online 06 August 2024

HR24017Jeremy David Pickett-Heaps 1940–2021

Peter Beech 0000-0003-1669-6623 and Arthur Forer

A black and white photograph of Jeremy Pickett Heaps in a sailplane near Cambridge, UK.

Jeremy Pickett-Heaps was a biologist whose acute observational powers were fed by a deep fascination for how cells work; he had an affinity for the myriad diversity of algae and other protists in general and for what they could teach us about all cells. He made fundamental discoveries in plant cell division and green algal phylogeny that developed into studies on cell division in general and he mastered time-lapse micro-cinematography to document the dynamic lives of cells. The resultant movies and his enthusiastic teaching introduced many to the wonders of microscopic life. Photographer unknown.

Published online 05 July 2024

HR24009Stuart Ross Taylor 1925–2021

Scott M. McLennan 0000-0003-4259-7178 and Roberta L. Rudnick

A portrait photograph of Ross Taylor.

Ross Taylor, an internationally renowned geochemist and planetary scientist and a Companion of the Order of Australia, spent most of his 65-year career at the Australian National University. His laboratory expertise was in trace element geochemistry and he made numerous major discoveries about the nature of the Moon, Earth’s continents, tektites and solar system evolution. In 1969, he carried out the first-ever geochemical analysis of a lunar rock (Apollo 11) at the NASA Lunar Receiving Laboratory in Houston. Photograph credit: Australian Academy of Science.

Portrait photograph of Gretna Weste

Gretna Weste was a woman plant pathologist who pioneered research on dieback, a devastating new disease of forests in southern Australia, in the late twentieth century. Weste’s research was foundational in the recognition of dieback disease as a Key Threatening Process for Australia’s natural biodiversity in 2000. Her career illustrates the significant gender-based obstacles faced by women scientists in Australia, and the stoic strength demonstrated by Weste. Photographer unknown.

Published online 21 June 2024

HR23024Gavin Brown: 1942–2010

Anthony H. Dooley 0000-0002-2656-3042

Portrait photograph of Gavin Brown.

This paper is a biographical note on the life and achievements of Professor Gavin Brown. Gavin was a distinguished mathematician who became vice chancellor of both the University of Sydney and the University of Adelaide. He made a significant contribution to his subject area and to the Australian academic scene. Source: Australian Academy of Science archives.

Published online 30 May 2024

HR24011Northern Australia Quarantine Strategy plant health surveys: over thirty years of a globally unique on- and off-shore solution to island nation biosecurity challenges

Richard I. Davis 0000-0002-3425-6237, Lynne M. Jones, Harshitsinh A. Vala, Bradley Pease, David Cann, Pere Kokoa and Francis T. Tsatsia

Photograph of attendees of the 2019 Northern Australia Indigenous Biosecurity Ranger Forum, standing on a beach.

This is the story of how the Australian Government has been protecting Australia’s remote northern coastline from biosecurity invasions from neighbouring countries. It is a story of boots on the ground plant health surveillance across Australia’s north and also over the horizon, in the countries that lie so close to our northern shore. Key to success has been collaborative field work overseas, with biosecurity scientists of Indonesia, Timor Leste, Papua New Guinea and Solomon Islands. Photograph by Kerry Trapnell.

Published online 29 May 2024

HR24007John Atherton Young 1936–2004

Ian D. Rae 0000-0002-7579-3717

A black and white portrait photograph of John Atherton Young as Dean of Medicine.

After graduating in medicine at the University of Queensland, completing his PhD at the Kanematsu Institute in Sydney, and postdoctoral studies in Germany, in 1966 John Atherton Young he joined the department of physiology at the University of Sydney where his research on the physiology of epithelial ducts brought him international recognition as a leader in the field. He made significant contributions to university governance and professional societies and respected as a man of great culture, a witty conversationalist, a great scientist.

Published online 24 May 2024

HR23028Anthony George Klein 1935–2021

Trevor R. Finlayson, Leon Mann, Bruce H. J. McKellar and David G. Satchell

Portrait photograph of Anthony (Tony) George Klein.

Professor Anthony (Tony) George Klein AM, FAA (1935–2021) was an outstanding physicist, university teacher, leader, mentor and science communicator. We recount Tony’s life from his childhood in wartime Romania through to his extended career as a professor of physics at the University of Melbourne. The memoir describes Tony Klein’s personal qualities, his major research contributions and collaborations in the field of neutron optics and neutron interferometry and his services to the scientific community. Image courtesy of Australian Academy of Science.

Published online 16 May 2024

HR24001The untold history of banana bunchy top disease

Andrew D. W. Geering 0000-0002-5743-6804

Photograph of ‘Cavendish’ banana plant infected with banana bunchy top virus.

Banana bunchy top disease is the most serious viral disease of bananas in the world, and nearly wiped out the Australian banana industry in the early twentieth century. The impacts of the disease epidemic were hardest felt by veterans of World War 1, who moved to the Northern Rivers region of New South Wales to create a subtropical fruit industry as part of the Soldier Settlement Scheme. This article describes the early history of the Australian banana industry, the introduction and spread of bunchy top disease, and efforts to develop a disease management plan. Photograph by Scot C. Nelson, University of Hawaiʻi.

This article belongs to the Special Issue: History of Plant Pathology in Australasia.

Published online 04 April 2024

HR23009A matter of where and when—the appearance of Late Blight of potato in Australia

Malcolm J. Ryley 0000-0003-3699-1240 and Andre Drenth

Line drawing of the sporangiophores and sporangia of Phytophthora infestans ex Berkeley (1846).

Late blight, ultimately shown to be caused by the oomycete Phytophthora infestans, devastated potato crops in Ireland and other countries in Europe during the mid-late 1840s. In 1909 the disease was positively identified in Australia by the Queensland Vegetable Pathologist, Henry Tryon, who had compelling evidence that the source of the disease outbreaks was planting tubers from Tasmania. Growers and authorities in that state refused to believe the accusation but were soon proved wrong. Image credit: J. M. Berkeley (1846).

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These articles have been peer reviewed and accepted for publication. They are still in production and have not been edited, so may differ from the final published form.

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  1. Reviews

    Historical Records of Australian Science 36 (1)
    Compiled by Martin Bush 0000-0001-9018-4373


Collections are a curation of articles relevant to a topical research area

This Collection acknowledges the Hundred Year anniversary of the Australian Coral Reef Society (ACRS), which first met as the Great Barrier Reef Committee in Brisbane on 12th September 1922. The collection reflects on many years of dedication of reef scientists, members and councillors to advancing our understanding of, and protecting, coral reefs.

Collection Editor

Dr Sarah Hamylton, President, Australian Coral Reef Society

Last Updated: 18 Nov 2022

The articles in this Collection of Historical Records of Australian Science are a diverse look at the history of archaeology in Australasia and the Pacific.

Collection Editors
Hilary Howes and Matthew Spriggs

Last Updated: 27 Oct 2021

This Collection supports the United Nations General Assembly’s declaration of 2020 as the International Year of Plant Health (IYPH) and exemplifies the quality of the work of Australian scientists. The articles discuss both processes that improve plant health and the careers of individual scientists who have played leading roles in research, education, policy and advocacy.

Collection Editors
Sara Maroske and Ian Rae

Last Updated: 27 May 2020

The Australian Academy of Science, in partnership with the National Museum of Australia, awards the Mike Smith Prize to recognise young scholars who are undertaking original research in the fields of the history of Australian science or Australian environmental history. Six of these articles are reproduced in this Collection, to alert our readers to the positive outcomes for entrants, participating institutions and the disciplines of the history of Australian science and Australian environmental history.

Last Updated: 26 Sep 2019

In this Collection, published in association with the 4S Conference in Sydney, we offer a selection of articles that reveal how Australian historians have responded to transnational issues such as the spread of Western science, climate change, and communicating the history of science.

Last Updated: 19 Jul 2018

As a contribution to the 2017 Science in Australia Gender Equity (SAGE) symposium, this Collection of the Academy’s journal Historical Records of Australian Science brings you memoirs of six pioneering female Fellows, and articles on Olive Pink (central Australian anthropologist and gardener), and two women chemists (Ruth Gall and Jean Youatt).

Collection Editors
Sara Maroske and Ian Rae

Last Updated: 04 Aug 2017

Committee on Publication Ethics
