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Australian Systematic Botany Australian Systematic Botany Society
Taxonomy, biogeography and evolution of plants

Australian Systematic Botany

Australian Systematic Botany

Australian Systematic Botany publishes papers and critical reviews that aim to advance systematic botany and related aspects of biogeography and evolution of all plant groups. Read more about the journalMore

Editor-in-Chief: Darren Crayn

Publishing Model: Hybrid. Open Access options available.

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These articles are the latest published in the journal. Australian Systematic Botany is published under a continuous publication model. More information is available on our Continuous Publication page.

Australia has a rich seaweed flora with many unique but poorly known species, genera and families. We compare results of an early 1970s anatomical study of one of the families with what modern molecular methods indicate about the same suite of genera. Previously considered to be a closely related group (monophyletic), we conclude that the family is polyphyletic (separate families). The study highlights how new insights from advanced technological applications can improve often intuitive taxonomic classification based on morphological characteristics.

Published online 20 March 2025

SB24009A framework phylogeny of the diverse guinea-flowers (Hibbertia, Dilleniaceae) using high-throughput sequence data

Timothy A. Hammer 0000-0003-3816-7933, Ed Biffin 0000-0002-6582-716X, Kor-jent van Dijk 0000-0002-6521-2843, Kevin R. Thiele 0000-0002-6658-6636 and Michelle Waycott 0000-0002-0822-0564

Photograph of Hibbertia procumbens (Dilleniaceae) flowers showing the radial floral symmetry typical of the subgenus.

Our study, conducted as part the Genomics for Australian Plants initiative, presents the first phylogenomic study of the very diverse genus Hibbertia using hundreds of nuclear and plastid gene sequences. The subject of significant recent taxonomic work, this study delivers new insights into the evolution and relationships between Hibbertia species. Results identify support for 14 novel clades in the genus and highlight areas of phylogenetic uncertainty, which will be used as a springboard for future systematic studies into the evolution of this remarkable genus. (Photograph by T. A. Hammer.)

This article belongs to the collection: Genomics for Australian plants.

Published online 13 March 2025

SB24018More links in the daisy chain: morphology and molecules delimit two new species in Coronidium and two in Leucozoma (Asteraceae; Gnaphalieae)

Timothy L. Collins 0000-0002-4055-9381, Alexander N. Schmidt-Lebuhn 0000-0002-7402-8941, Rose L. Andrew 0000-0003-0099-8336, Ian R. H. Telford 0000-0002-3570-0053 and Jeremy J. Bruhl 0000-0001-9112-4436

Photographs showing Australian paper daisies, Leucozoma (left) and Coronidium (right).

Australian paper daisies have diversified in isolation over the past 20 million years. We studied populations of Coronidium and Leucozoma from across their ranges. Molecular analyses and comparison with morphology recovered both broadly distributed, morphologically variable species and narrow endemics, including four new species. The new insights into biodiversity, ecology, distribution and conservation status will enable conservation and land managers to better protect Australia’s natural heritage, and the broader community to enjoy these remarkable paper daisies. (Photographs by J. J. Bruhl.)

Published online 03 March 2025

SB24034Conservation genomics uncovers disjunct subspecies and critically low diversity in Zieria obcordata A.Cunn. (Rutaceae)

Eilish S. McMaster 0000-0002-7415-8690, Marco Duretto 0000-0003-1013-4291, Jia-Yee S. Yap and Maurizio Rossetto

Zieria obcordata, an endangered species from central New South Wales, faces survival threats due to limited occurrence in two small, isolated populations. We show significant genetic divergence, suggesting that the members of each population should be recognised as separate subspecies, each with low genetic diversity. We recommend testing crosses between these populations to assess compatibility and potential fitness improvements to ehnance genetic diversity.

Published online 21 February 2025

SB24014Australian biogeography, climate-dependent diversification and phylogenomics of the spectacular Chamelaucieae tribe (Myrtaceae)

Francis J. Nge 0000-0002-0361-8709, Ed Biffin 0000-0002-6582-716X, Barbara L. Rye 0000-0003-1254-5940, Peter G. Wilson 0000-0001-8581-318X, Kor-jent van Dijk 0000-0002-6521-2843, Kevin R. Thiele 0000-0002-6658-6636, Michelle Waycott 0000-0002-0822-0564 and Matthew D. Barrett 0000-0002-2926-4291

A species of Homalocalyx, representing the spectacular tribe Chamelaucieae of the family Myrtaceae.

Tribe Chamelaucieae (Myrtaceae), a diverse, spectacular element of the Australian flora, has over 600 species continent-wide. We sequenced more than 300 nuclear genes for over 100 tribal representatives (including all genera), covering geographic and taxonomic diversity. Our understanding of tribal evolutionary relationships and how clades evolved through time and space improved. Tribal diversification correlates with major past climatic events and many lineages are shown to have dispersed from south-west Australia to the arid zone. (Photograph by Kevin R. Thiele.)

This article belongs to the collection: Genomics for Australian plants.

Type specimen of a leaf fossil of Proteaceaefolia araucoensis from Buen Retiro in South America.

The Swedish Museum of Natural History houses poorly studied Chilean plant fossils that were collected >100 years ago. Among these we found leaf fossils of the Gondwanan Proteaceae family, whose closest relatives are currently found only in Australasian rainforests. These and other fossils from the same ~55-million-year-old assemblage add to evidence that a similar flora was formerly distributed across a vegetated Antarctica, and contradict a long-held view that Chilean forests of that time exclusively comprised Neotropical genera. (Photograph by R. J. Carpenter.)

Published online 20 January 2025

SB24010Wedged between two congeners: will the real Gompholobium nitidum (Fabaceae: Mirbelieae) please stand up?

C. L. Simmons 0000-0002-1637-8898, T. G. B. McLay and M. T. Mathieson

Photograph of the Gompholobium nitidum ‘linear’ morphotype (=G. cinctum sp. nov.) within the broader circumscription of G. nitidum.

We demonstrate that the current Gompholobium nitidum comprises three species. Originally described by Robert Brown in 1810 from specimens collected by Banks and Solander from the Endeavour River in 1770, the species was considered highly localised in Far North Queensland but has more recently been deemed a widely distributed plant of extremely variable leaflet form and habit. This work expands our knowledge of the diversity within this group of Gompholobium in north-east Queensland. Photograph by M. T. Mathieson (image 2B5A1345).

This article belongs to the collection: Genomics for Australian plants.

Published online 29 November 2024

SB24021Taxonomy of the Nicotiana megalosiphon species complex (Solanaceae; Nicotiana section Suaveolentes): analyses of RADseq data identifies a new cryptic species

Mark W. Chase 0000-0002-9927-4938, Maarten J. M. Christenhusz 0000-0003-1398-8743, Luiz A. Cauz-Santos, Steven Dodsworth 0000-0001-6531-3540, Ruth Palsson 0000-0003-1460-8239, John G. Conran 0000-0003-2268-2703, Felipe Nollet 0000-0002-1362-685X and Rosabelle Samuel 0000-0003-0197-4854

The Nicotiana megalosiphon species complex includes several morphologically cryptic species. We use phylogenetic and population genetic approaches (maximum likelihood, admixture proportions, Bayesian species delimitation and coalescent methods) to assess delimitations of these species and on this basis, describe a new species, N. palssonae M.W.Chase & Christenh. A map of species distributions and key to the species of the N. megalosiphon species complex are also provided.

Published online 29 October 2024

SB24004Standing on the shoulders of giants: molecular data confirm Kükenthal’s systematic placement of the Australian endemic Carex archeri (Cyperaceae)

Ana Morales-Alonso 0000-0003-1497-1070, Karen Wilson 0000-0001-7419-8222, Kerry A. Ford, Mónica Míguez, Pedro Jiménez-Mejías and Santiago Martín-Bravo

Images of inflorescence structures of a Carex archeri specimen (CHR-601143) – left to right: spike, utricle and achene.

The systematic affinities and biogeographic history of the Australian endemic Carex archeri are assessed for the first time. This species has traditionally been associated with different sections belonging to four of the six currently recognised Carex subgenera, however our robust results imply that C. archeri is the only representative of the subgenus in Australia. We discuss the biogeographic pattern and present a complete conservation assessment following IUCN categories and criteria. (Image credit: Ana Morales-Alonso.)

Published online 23 October 2024

SB24006An annotated checklist of Syzygium subgenus Sequestratum (Myrtaceae)

Virva M. M. Lyytikäinen, Sebastian A. Hatt 0000-0003-4887-3508, Yee Wen Low 0000-0002-0939-9068, David F. R. P. Burslem and Eve J. Lucas

We present an annotated checklist of the 29 species comprising Syzygium subg. Sequestratum. Commonly occurring characters include glaucescence in the hypanthium, funnel-shaped flowers <10 mm long and coriaceous leaves with dark drying petioles in contrast to a paler leaf blade. This checklist provides a foundation for future taxonomic revision of this clade, from an early branching node in the tree of life of the world’s largest tropical tree genus.

Published online 16 October 2024

SB23032Species delimitations in the Campomanesia xanthocarpa group (Myrtaceae): insights from molecular markers and taxonomy

Marla Ibrahim Uehbe de Oliveira 0000-0001-8034-6068, João Paulo Silva Vieira, Cássio van den Berg, Ligia Silveira Funch and Reyjane Patrícia de Oliveira

Inclusive schematic representation of species delimitations in the genus Campomanesia Ruiz & Pavón.

Species of Campomanesia are economically important, being used for food and in forestry. Some of these are morphologically similar, raising doubts regarding identification. Seeking to solve this, we performed population genetic analyses with a complex of species: Campomanesia adamantium, C. costata, C. littoralis and C. xanthocarpa. Results indicated the re-establishment of Campomanesia rhombea and complexity of C. adamantium that should be explored based on additional tools. This study improves our understanding of the taxonomy of the genus. (Image credit: M. Ibrahim Uehbe de Oliveira.)

Just Accepted

These articles have been peer reviewed and accepted for publication. They are still in production and have not been edited, so may differ from the final published form.

SB24022, Accepted 13 March 2025

The Genomics for Australian Plants (GAP) framework initiative – developing genomic resources for understanding the evolution and conservation of the Australian flora.

Lalita Simpson, David Cantrill, Margaret Byrne, Theodore Allnutt, Graham King, Mabel Lum, Ziad Al Bkhetan, Rose Andrew, William Baker, Matthew Barrett 0000-0002-2926-4291, Jacqueline Batley, Oliver Berry, Rachel Binks, Jason Bragg, Linda Broadhurst, Gillian Brown, Jeremy Bruhl 0000-0001-9112-4436, Richard Edwards, Scott Ferguson 0000-0002-4821-7490, Felix Forest, Ove Gustafsson, Timothy Hammer 0000-0003-3816-7933, Gareth Holmes 0000-0003-1120-8731, Christopher Jackson, Liz James, Ashley Jones 0000-0002-7368-1666, Paul Kersey, Ilia Leitch, Olivier Maurin, Todd McLay, Daniel Murphy, Katharina Nargar 0000-0002-0459-5991, Lars Nauheimer 0000-0002-2847-0966, Herve Sauquet, Alexander Schmidt-Lebuhn 0000-0002-7402-8941, Kelly Shepherd, Anna Syme, Michelle Waycott 0000-0002-0822-0564, Trevor Wilson 0000-0002-9026-0521 and Darren Crayn 0000-0001-6614-4216

Most Read

The Most Read ranking is based on the number of downloads in the last 60 days from papers published on the CSIRO PUBLISHING website within the last 12 months. Usage statistics are updated daily.

  1. Nine new species of Australian Nicotiana (Solanaceae)

    Australian Systematic Botany 36 (3)
    Mark W. Chase 0000-0002-9927-4938, Maarten J. M. Christenhusz 0000-0003-1398-8743, Luiz A. Cauz-Santos 0000-0003-1694-2433, Felipe Nollet 0000-0002-1362-685X, Jeremy J. Bruhl 0000-0001-9112-4436, Damien D. Andrew 0000-0001-8675-066X, Ruth Palsson 0000-0003-1460-8239, Richard W. Jobson 0000-0002-1822-9634, Guy M. Taseski 0000-0003-2243-3408, Rosabelle Samuel 0000-0003-0197-4854


Collections are a curation of articles relevant to a topical research area

The Genomics for Australian Plants Collection brings together outputs from activity across the three GAP streams: reference genomes, phylogenomics and conservation genomics. Taken together, the papers in this collection illustrate the challenges, potential future directions and unmitigated successes of this national-scale collaborative project. They underscore the value of a multi-institutional consortium approach and emphasise key facilitators such as carefully curated herbarium collections and national collaborative research infrastructure.

Collection Editors
Darren Crayn, Dan Murphy and Caroline Puente-Lelievre

Last Updated: 20 Mar 2025

This Collection highlights integrative research exploring 'Diversity through time': the connection between evolutionary history and spatial distribution. This Collection was assembled to celebrate the XIX International Botanical Congress held in Shenzhen - the first IBC to be held in China. This landmark event highlights the rapid progress made in establishing the People’s Republic of China as one of the globally-leading research nations and provides a unique opportunity to explore collaborative research, involving botanists from all nations, to tackle the pressing need to manage the conservation of plant diversity.

Last Updated: 16 Jun 2017

Australian Systematic Botany is an international journal with a focus on the systematics of plants, algae and fungi. In this virtual issue, released to coincide with the Botany 2016 conference in Savannah, USA, we have selected some older and more recent significant articles in the areas of biogeography, systematics and palaeobotany, including controversial debate in these research fields.

Last Updated: 30 Jun 2016

Committee on Publication Ethics

Best Student Paper

The Best Student Paper published in 2023 has been awarded to Harvey K. Orel.

Plant Systematics and Biogeography in the Australasian Tropics

Special Issues vol. 31 nos 5 & 6, vol. 32 nos 2 & 3 and vol. 32 no. 4 form special editions on Plant Systematics and Biogeography in the Australasian Tropics containing Part 1, Part 2 & Part 3, respectively.
