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Journal of the Australian Mammal Society

Australian Mammalogy

Australian Mammalogy

Australian Mammalogy is an important source of information on all aspects of the biology of Australasian mammals – both native and introduced. Read more about the journalMore

Editor: Ross Goldingay

Publishing Model: Hybrid. Open Access options available.

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These articles are the latest published in the journal. Australian Mammalogy is published under a continuous publication model. More information is available on our Continuous Publication page.

Published online 13 January 2025

AM24023Identification and characteristics of refuges for the threatened swamp antechinus (Antechinus minimus maritimus) under climate change; targeted surveys across the Otway Ranges, south-east Australia

Barbara A. Wilson, Kristen Agosta, Mark J. Garkaklis, Jemma K. Cripps, Marissa L. Parrott, Raylene Cooke and John G. White

Photograph of the swamp antechinus (Antechinus minimus maritimus).

Survival of mammal species under climate change is increasingly reliant on refuges that provide protection from extreme drought and fire. We identified refuges for the threatened marsupial swamp antechinus. While many were very small (<40 ha) and located in Coastal Dunes subject to destruction under sea level rise, very few were large (>1000 ha), located in unfragmented habitat with complex vegetation. Effective management will require translocations, protection from inappropriate fire and predators, and control of Phytophthora infestations. Photograph by Barbara Wilson.

Published online 10 January 2025

AM24024The behaviour of an arid zone dasyurid, the kultarr (Antechinomys laniger), in captivity

Hayley J. Stannard 0000-0002-6657-5435, Lisa M. Goodchild and Julie M. Old

We retrospectively analysed video data and written records of kultarrs to describe their behaviour in captivity. Selected behaviours were categorised and described under the following areas: grooming and scratching; nest building and use of shelter; predatory and feeding behaviour; and social behaviour. Understanding kultarr behaviour will aid captive management of the species and provide insights into how kultarrs may behave in the wild.

Published online 07 January 2025

AM24012Observation of offspring sex ratio in quenda, Isoodon fusciventer

Chris R. Dickman and Natasha D. Harrison 0000-0001-5779-0187

Photograph of a quenda, Isoodon fusciventer.

The ratio of males to females often differs from parity in wild populations. Here, we show that young female quenda over-produced sons, whereas older females tended to produce more daughters. Given that females remain in their mother's territory, we suggest that female quenda may adaptively adjust their offspring sex ratios to reduce competition with their kin. Photograph by Western Australia City of Joondalup.

Photograph of platypus floating in water

Effective species conservation action often relies on knowing what directly drives mortality. To identify factors contributing to platypus mortality, we collated details of more than 400 deaths recorded since 1989. Important causal agents included drowning in fish nets or enclosed yabby traps, predation (mainly by foxes), becoming accidentally hooked by recreational anglers (and then released with line still trailing behind the animal), litter entanglement and being hit by motor vehicles. Photograph by Nicholas Rowlands.

This article belongs to the collection: Recent research on the platypus.

Published online 20 December 2024

AM24048Exploratory behaviour in northern brown bandicoots (Isoodon macrourus) in Tropical North Queensland, Australia

Wendy A. Callaway, Sarah E. Kerr and Tasmin L. Rymer 0000-0002-9963-6345

Bandicoots and bilbies are among the most threatened Australian mammals, but their general behaviour is poorly studied. We studied exploratory behaviour of adult male northern brown bandicoots (Isoodon macrourus), finding inter-individual variation in exploration over time. Older bandicoots that appeared to be in better breeding condition were also less exploratory, indicating a possible life-history trade-off between reproduction and maintenance. Our pilot study on bandicoot exploratory behaviour could provide insights on their potential dispersal ability and movements in their natural landscapes.

In this paper we discuss how to recognise ‘Top End’ bats from their echolocation sequences, data needed for rapid inexpensive survey and monitoring programmes that inform conservation planning. We present the results of the first systematic survey of the bats occupying Northern Territory mangrove forests. More broadly, we identify environmental controls influencing the species composition and structure of tropical bat communities across north-western Australia.

Published online 18 November 2024

AM24026Platypus fyke-netting methods: a review of recommended field protocols and options for assessing population abundance

Melody Serena, Geoff A. Williams, Chris Bloink and Dana Dekkers

Person checking platypus fyke nets in shallow water

Fyke nets are commonly used for platypus survey or other research purposes in shallow water bodies. We discuss the wide range of factors influencing the frequency of platypus captures, identify issues affecting animal welfare in fyke nets and consider the options available for estimating platypus abundance from fyke-netting data. Photograph by G. Williams/APC.

This article belongs to the collection: Recent research on the platypus.

Published online 18 November 2024

AM24025How much time, effort and money is spent caring for wombats?

Julie M. Old, Isabella Lago, Jessica Wills and Hayley J. Stannard 0000-0002-6657-5435

Wombats commonly come into care due to collisions with vehicles, sarcoptic mange and attacks. Caring for wombats is time-consuming and expensive, particularly when raising wombat joeys, which were more likely to be successfully rehabilitated and released compared to adult wombats. This paper provides insights into the issues facing wombats, the people that care for wombats, and the wider carer sector.

Sperm storage is common in dasyurid species and has been recorded for up to 8 days in red-tailed phascogales (Phascogale calura). We present a case where sperm storage has occurred for 15–27 days in a free-living translocated red-tailed phascogale. Our result is the longest sperm storage period recorded to-date in dasyurid species.

Published online 07 November 2024

AM24020Age determination in the platypus (Ornithorhynchus anatinus) using spur sheath and spur developmental stages: a review

Tom Grant, Melody Serena, Geoff A. Williams and Peter Temple-Smith

Platypus emerging from among river debris.

Male platypuses have a permanent venomous spur on both rear ankles. Their structure changes with age, while females only develop a small rudimentary spur sheath that is lost after their first year of life. Spur or spur sheath changes are used to age males in their first 3 years of life. Females can only be aged in their first 2 years. This age determination is used to age dead or living platypuses in research, veterinary or rescue contexts. Photograph credit: Ian Montgomery

Field photograph of a southern hairy-nosed wombat (Lasiorhinus latifrons).

The burrow excavated by the southern hairy-nosed wombat is initially located by an entrance into the ground, but entrances also lead to other structures, with these not previously defined. With counts of active burrows used as the primary feature in population estimations, accuracy in their identification is vital. Here, we provide definition of these structures to increase the accuracy of population estimations but also to increase knowledge of the southern hairy-nosed wombat’s digging activity, functional potential, warren system architecture, and possible adaptive ability. Image by R. Norris.

Published online 22 October 2024

AM24004Gliding performance in the inland sugar glider in low-canopy forest

Ross L. Goldingay 0000-0002-6684-9299, Darren G. Quin and Karen J. Thomas

Photograph of an inland sugar glider (Petaurus notatus) in the wild.

Understanding glide performance in gliding mammals provides useful knowledge. We investigated this in the inland sugar glider (Petaurus notatus) in central Victoria. From 40 glides, horizontal glide distance averaged 18.1 m (range 8–41 m), glide ratio (horizontal glide distance/height dropped) averaged 2.2 and glide angle averaged 26.4°. Photograph by William Terry

Published online 30 September 2024

AM24003Survey techniques and impact mitigation for the Endangered northern quoll (Dasyurus hallucatus) in the semi-arid landscapes of the Pilbara

Judy Dunlop 0000-0003-4842-0672, Harry Amos Moore, Mitchell Alec Cowan 0000-0001-8432-5301 and Natasha Harrison

The northern quoll is a small, endangered marsupial that inhabits the northern areas of Australia, including overlapping with areas targeted for mining in the Pilbara. Following more than 10 years of long-term data collection in the Pilbara, we present best practice survey techniques and options for reducing the impact of disturbance or improving northern quoll populations. These survey techniques are relevant to northern quoll research, conservation management, to detect their presence in areas previously unsurveyed, and for monitoring the outcomes of management activities.

Published online 25 September 2024

AM24011Eastern pygmy possum (Cercartetus nanus) populations persist in Central Coast forests after the Black Summer bushfires

Dylan J. I. Chew, Brad Law, Viyanna Leo, Darren M. Southwell, Jennifer R. Anson and Matt W. Hayward

Two eastern pygmy possums wrapped in light coloured fabric during health checking.

The Black Summer bushfires were catastrophic, impacting some of Australia’s most iconic species. This study used pre- and post-fire data to determine how the bushfires affected eastern pygmy possum populations on the NSW Central Coast, finding that some populations were able to persist. This study helps improve our understanding of the susceptibility of native species to such events, which becomes increasingly important as wildfires are predicted to increase in frequency and intensity in response to climate change. Left photograph by Dylan Chew; right photograph by Brad Leue, AWC.

Photograph of singleton black flying-fox roosting.

Roosting ecology in Australia’s flying-fox species is characteristically colonial, though a small amount of scientific literature refers to solitary roosting individuals or singletons. This note reports five accounts of black and grey-headed flying-foxes roosting as singletons outside of periods of food shortages, including one instance of solitary roosting occurring over multiple days. Photograph by Matthew Mo.

Just Accepted

These articles have been peer reviewed and accepted for publication. They are still in production and have not been edited, so may differ from the final published form.

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After 48 years in print, Australian Mammalogy published its first online-only issue early 2020. To commemorate the occasion, the Australian Mammal Society council collated a virtual issue that includes our member’s choices of the most important publications over the lifetime of Australian Mammalogy. We hope you will enjoy this issue and look forward to a long future of multidisciplinary, highly influential research published in Australian Mammalogy.

Vera Weisbecker (President) and Ross Goldingay (Editor-in-Chief)

Last Updated: 09 Nov 2020

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