Host Plant-Selection by Helicoverpa-Armigera (Lepidoptera, Noctuidae) - the Role of Some Herbivore Attributes
S Firempong and MP Zalucki
Australian Journal of Zoology
39(3) 343 - 350
Published: 1991
The effect of various 'herbivore' attributes on oviposition in Helicoverpa armigera were considered in a series of laboratory experiments. Larval diet did not influence the rank order of adult host preference, but early adult experience around a host increased oviposition on that host in subsequent trials. The presence of eggs laid 12 h before did not influence subsequent oviposition on a plant, although newly laid eggs may have. The presence of larvae, larval damage to plants and larval frass reduced oviposition on a plant. These results are discussed in relation to polyphagy in H. armigera.
© CSIRO 1991