Arthropod Ground Strata Composition of the Cotton Ecosystem in South-Eastern Queensland, and the Effect of Some Control Strategies.
AL Bishop and PRB Blood
Australian Journal of Zoology
28(6) 693 - 697
Published: 1980
A record is provided of 23 arthropod species inhabiting the ground strata of cotton fields in south-eastern Queensland. The Coleoptera were the most diverse group (14 species) and Labidura riparia truncata Kirby, and Nala lividipes (Dufour) (both Labiduridae : Dermaptera) were the most abundant species caught in pitfall traps. Changes in the ecosystem in response to different pest control strategies were considered; broad-spectrum insecticide use resulted in the suppression of most species. Resurgence of L. riparia was evident in fields treated with DDT-toxaphene. Possible resurgence of four other species was observed after the removal of insecticide pressure. Several of these species may be of importance because of their predatory function.
© CSIRO 1980