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Wildlife Research Wildlife Research Society
Ecology, management and conservation in natural and modified habitats

Social Behaviour of the Euro, Macropus robustus (Gould), in the Australian Arid Zone

DB Croft

Australian Wildlife Research 8(1) 13 - 49
Published: 1981


About 1600 h have been spent in the field studying the social behaviour of the euro in a semiarid to arid habitat. Social relationships and grouping patterns of six size and sex classes (large and medium-sized adult males, adult females, subadult males and females, and young-at-foot) have been determined. Euros form small groups, highly labile in size and composition, and are often solitary. The mother-young bond is the most enduring social relationship. The only other strong bond, a one-to-one consort relationship between a large male and an oestrous female, is very brief. Gross sexual dimorphism in this species is related to competition between males for mates. In agonistic encounters over females, or for limited resources such as cave shelters, the larger animal normally takes priority. Mating is probably polygynous. The repertoire of communicatory behaviour is limited to a few vocalizations and displays, but olfactory stimuli are important in a euro's social behaviour. Ecological factors in the social organization of euros are discussed.

© CSIRO 1981

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