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Wildlife Research Wildlife Research Society
Ecology, management and conservation in natural and modified habitats

Use of Xanthorrhoea semiplana (grass-trees) for refuge by Rattus fuscipes (southern bush rat)

Deborah S. Frazer A and Sophie Petit A B
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A School of Natural and Built Environments, University of South Australia, Mawson Lakes, SA 5095, Australia.

B Corresponding author. Email:

Wildlife Research 34(5) 379-386
Submitted: 12 September 2006  Accepted: 3 July 2007   Published: 6 September 2007


This study investigated the use of the grass-tree, Xanthorrhoea semiplana F.Muell. (family Xanthorrhoeaceae), for shelter by Rattus fuscipes (southern bush rat) in South Australia. Eight bush rats were radio-tracked for 4–8 days each. To identify the understorey shelters available to each animal, surveys were conducted using point-intercept sampling at 2-m intervals along transect lines. Grass-tree density was calculated in each area used by the radio-tracked animals, and canopy thickness of grass-trees selected for refuge was assigned a score; the availability of other potential shelters was also calculated. The results indicated that (1) R. fuscipes preferentially selected grass-trees over other understorey shelter; (2) the grass-trees chosen had thick canopy covers; (3) areas with high grass-tree densities were preferred for cover over areas with fewer grass-trees; and (4) grass-trees provided dense cover and, therefore, concealed burrows and nest sites.


We thank our sponsors, the Nature Foundation of South Australia, for a grant to S. Petit and one to D. Frazer, ROBIN (Rotary Grant) for a grant to D. Frazer, and the Nature Conservation Society of South Australia for a grant to D. Frazer. We also thank Barbara Wilson, Robert Sharrad, Fleur Tiver, Joan Gibbs and three anonymous referees for comments on the manuscript. Our fabulous radio-trackers, supporters, and/or vegetation experts were: Susan and Gary Frazer, Todd Erickson, Annette Scanlon, Helen Waudby, Matt Gill, Serina Lattanzio, Alison Hughes, Barb Cook, Michael Jervois, Natalie Bull, Chris Havelberg, Kathy Penny, Margot Wallis, Ashley Walker, Andrew Frazer, Hayden Walton, Angela Pestell, Chris Raymond, Tom Hands, Terry Reardon, and Joan Gibbs. We are also grateful to Allan Salisbury, our dear friend of Transceiver Services, Greg Johnson of the Adelaide Zoo for loan of a receiver, Janine Slocombe and Robert Aebi for assistance with equipment, Department for Environment and Heritage (DEH) staff Peter Canty, Kirstin Long, Erik Dahl, Michael Trebilcock, and Steve Taylor. This research was conducted under DEH permit G24919 and ethics permit number 74/04. This paper was part of D. Frazer’s B.Sc.(Honours) thesis in the program of Biodiversity, Environmental and Park Management at the University of South Australia.


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