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Proceedings of the Royal Society of Victoria Proceedings of the Royal Society of Victoria Society
Promotion and advancement of science

A revised, annotated checklist of Victorian dragonflies (Insecta : Odonata)

I.D. Endersby

Proceedings of the Royal Society of Victoria 122(1) 9 - 27
Published: 2010


Seventy-six species of Odonata are known from Victoria (26 Zygoptera; 50 Anisoptera). In the last ten years one new species Austroaeschna ingrid Theischinger, 2008 has been described from the State; Austroepigomphus praeruptus (Selys, 1857) and Pseudagrion microcephalum (Rambur, 1842) have now been recorded; and records of Rhadinosticta banksi (Tillyard, 1913) and Labidiosticta vallisi (Fraser, 1955) are judged to be erroneous. Generic names of Aeshna, and Trapezostigma have been changed. Some changes in higher level names and relationships, based on recent phylogenetic analyses, have been incorporated. Distribution maps for all species, based on museum collections, are provided.

© CSIRO 2010

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