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Australian Journal of Botany Australian Journal of Botany Society
Southern hemisphere botanical ecosystems

Plant mating systems and assessing population persistence in fragmented landscapes

David J. Coates A B , Jane F. Sampson A and Colin J. Yates A
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A Department of Environment and Conservation, Locked Bag 104, Bentley Delivery Centre, Bentley, WA 6983, Australia.

B Corresponding author. Email:

Australian Journal of Botany 55(3) 239-249
Submitted: 3 July 2006  Accepted: 21 December 2006   Published: 18 May 2007


Population size and habitat disturbance are key factors likely to shape the mating system of populations in disturbed and fragmented landscapes. They would be expected to influence the availability and behaviour of the pollinator, the ability to find mates in self-incompatible species, inbreeding in self-compatible species and the size of the pollen pool. These in turn might be expected to influence key variables critical for population persistence such as seed production, seed germination and seedling fitness. Here we investigate mating-system variation in six rare species, i.e. Banksia cuneata, B. oligantha, Lambertia orbifolia (Proteaceae), Verticordia fimbrilepis subsp. fimbrilepis, Eucalyptus rameliana (Myrtaceae), Acacia sciophanes (Mimosaceae), and two common species, i.e. Calothamnus quadrifidus (Myrtaceae) and Acacia anfractuosa. All seven species are animal-pollinated relatively long-lived woody shrubs with mixed-mating systems. Population variation in mating-system parameters was investigated in relation to population size and habitat disturbance. We show that although the mating system will vary depending on pollination biology and life-history, as populations get smaller and habitat disturbance increases there is a trend towards increased inbreeding, smaller effective sizes of paternal pollen pools and greater variation in outcrossing among plants. From the species investigated in this study we have found that changes in the mating system can be useful indicators of population processes and can give valuable insight into the development of conservation strategies for the persistence of plant species following anthropogenic disturbance and landscape fragmentation.


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