Australian Journal of Biological Sciences
Volume 37 Numbers 5 & 6 1984
BI9840307Transposable Elements in Maize the?Activator-Dissociation (Ac-Ds) System
E A Howard and E S Dennis
pp. 307-314
BI9840323Constituents of Platypus and Echidna Milk, with Particular Reference to the Fatty Acid Complement of the Triglycerides
Mervyn Griffiths, Brian Green, R MC Leckie, MichaeI Messer and KW Newgrain
pp. 323-330
BI9840341Serological and Biochemical Factors in Bovine Ephemeral Fever
T D St George, DH Cybinski, GM Murphy and Corrine K Dimmock
pp. 341-350
BI9840351Isolation of Arboviruses from Insects Collected at Beatrice Hill, Northern Territory of Australia, 1974?1976
HA StandJast, AL Dyce, T D St George, M JMuller, RL Doherty, JG Carley and CheryI Filippich
pp. 351-366
BI9840389Effects of Ovarian Hormones on Ovarian Capillary Blood Flow in Anoestrous Ewes
BW Brown and PE Mattner
pp. 389-392