Australian Journal of Biological Sciences
Volume 28 Numbers 5 & 6 1975
BI9750457Retention of 45Ca in Rats and Lambs Associated with the Onset of Nutritional Muscular Dystrophy
KO Godwin, Jenny Edwardly and Christine N Fuss
pp. 457-464
BI9750465Characterization of the RNA Synthesizing Activity of Isolated Kidney Nuclei
CJ Story and J FW heldrake
pp. 465-474
BI9750495Fate of Mimosine Administered Orally to Sheep and its Effectiveness as a Defleecing Agent
PJ Reis, DA Tunks and MP Hegarty
pp. 495-502
BI9750503Effects of Insulin Hypoglycaemia in the Sheep on Jugular Haematocrit and Plasma Corticosteroid Concentrations
PC Dooley and VJ Williams
pp. 503-510
BI9750521Artificial Induction of Lactation in Ewes: The Relative Importance of Oxytocin and the Milking Stimulus
WJ Fulkerson and GH McDowell
pp. 521-524
BI9750525Artificial Induction of Lactation in Ewes: The Role of Prolactin
WJ Fulkerson, GH McDowell and LR Fell
pp. 525-530
BI9750539A Study of Physiologic Specialization of Rye Stem Rust in Australia
BH Tan, IA Watson and NH Luig
pp. 539-544
BI9750545Molecular Genetics of Avian Proteins XIII.Protein Polymorphism in Three Species of Australian Passerines
Clyde Manwell and CM Ann Baker
pp. 545-558
BI9750559Mutants of Salmonella typhimurium Deficient in DNA Polymerase I: Further Characterization and Genetic Analysis
Donald G MacPhee and MichaeI R Beazer
pp. 559-566