Diversity and function of soil microorganisms in response to paddy–upland rotation system in sustainable restoration of saline-sodic soils
Jin Liu A B , Shunyi Wang A C , Canmin Hu A , Tingting Li D , Tianhao Wang A C , Ke Ma A , Xueqin Ren
A College of Resources and Environment Sciences, China Agricultural University, Beijing 100193, PR China.
B Shaanxi Institute of Geological Survey, Xian 710068, PR China.
C Beijing Key Laboratory of Farmland Soil Pollution Prevention and Remediation, Beijing 100193, PR China.
D Agricultural and rural Bureau of Hekou District, Dongying 257299, PR China.
Soil Research 61(6) 582-597 https://doi.org/10.1071/SR22072
Submitted: 11 April 2022 Accepted: 28 March 2023 Published: 17 April 2023
© 2023 The Author(s) (or their employer(s)). Published by CSIRO Publishing
Context: Rapid desalination by planting rice in saline soil consumes large amounts of water, which is not environmentally friendly.
Aims: Herein, we propose rapid desalination by planting rice, then shifting to cultivating upland plants to attain substantial resource-saving and higher yield simultaneously with restoration of saline-sodic soil.
Methods: Field experiments were run for two consecutive years with five treatments: unreclaimed wasteland (WL) as control, rice cultivation followed by fallow (RF), rice–rice continuous cropping (RR), rice–ryegrass rotation (RG), and rice–sorghum rotation (RS). Physicochemical properties, including pH, electrical conductivity, and exchangeable sodium percentage were determined, and 16S rRNA sequences were used to evaluate soil microbial composition and stability.
Key results: The soil total organic carbon, total nitrogen, available phosphorus, and biomass in RR, RG, and RS treatments were all higher than RF and control. Notably, RR, RG, and RS increased the soil microbial biomass carbon and nitrogen, and significantly reshaped the soil communities of bacteria, fungi, and archaea relative to RF and WL.
Conclusions: Despite the lower efficiency of RG and RS in ameliorating saline-sodic soil, there were dramatic savings in irrigation water, and the improvements in microbial diversity and functionalities indicated that the paddy–upland crop rotation system had substantial influence on sustainability of soil quality.
Implications: Providing a balance between salt desalination performance with irrigation water input and yield, the paddy–upland rotation system is a robust, replicable, and environmentally friendly practice in saline-sodic soil remediation.
Keywords: microbial diversity, paddy–upland rotation, remediation, resource-saving, saline-sodic soils, soil microorganism, stability, sustainability.
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